Photo Manager Certification

A program for photo manager certification is offered by The Photo Managers. After completing the program, a certified photo manager is listed as a professional on their website.  My listing is here.

After years of working with my own and my family's photos, slides, documents and memorabilia, I'm excited to help others.  Becoming certified as a Photo Manager has added to my skills and knowledge.  But don't think I have stopped learning!  There's always more to learn. 

The Photo Manager Certification Process

On joining The Photo Managers, a prospective organizer gains access to courses and training which build knowledge and professionalism.  

  • Organizing Your Client's Printed Photos
  • 12-Week Business Discovery Course
  • Building Blocks of Digital Photo Organizing
  • The Photo Managers Professional Certification.

Access is given to private FaceBook pages for members of The Photo Managers where advice and support from experienced professionals is freely available.

A series of modules must be studied and quizzes passed on the following topics: 

  1. Intro to Photo Management
  2. Client & Project Management
  3. Physical Photos and Memorabilia
  4. Digital Photo Organizing
  5. Save and Share.

The final and most important piece of the Photo Manager Certification process is the Client Project.

Client Reference Required

A client must provide a reference for the prospective Photo Manager.   The Photo Managers will contact them to answer a brief set of questions.

My client reference came from Robert Manolson of Powerful Play Experiences based in Edmonton.  We created a photo book for him which he had printed and is using in pdf format on his website to promote his services.  He was wonderful to work with.  He is an extremely enthusiastic, positive and supportive person! His workshops look like so much fun! 

The Client Project

A paid client project must be completed and documented by the photo manager. 

The client should NOT be a friend or family.

The project(s) are required to include at least two of the photo management categories listed below:

  • Scanning
  • Printed Photo Organizing
  • Photo Book Design
  • Slideshow/Video Design
  • Photo Gifts or Other Products
  • Rehousing in Archival Storage
  • Backup

Of these categories, I will initially offer the services in bold type.  The 1st client(s) will get the discount off scanning, printed photo organizing, rehousing in archival storage* or backup, whichever service(s) they choose.

The Photo Managers Membership

How would you like to become a Photo Manager too?  Did you even know such an amazing business existed?  

Here are some of the benefits of becoming a member of The Photo Managers.  You get nothing but encouragement and support!

Go to Printed Photo Organization

Go to 12x12 Album Scan

Go to Oral History Interview

Go to Genealogy Research Services