Members of the executive of the Canadian School Trustees Association, which met at Fredericton over the week-end, preceding the Canadian Education Association convention now in progress, are shown here. Front row, left to right, are J.V. Waddell, Ste. Rose, Que., president; J. Barsby, Nanaimo, B.C., past president, and Mrs. W. Walker, Saskatoon, Sask. In the back row are, left to right, George Heaton, Ontario; A.R. Almond, Quebec; A.T. Spencer, Comox, B.C., secretary-treasurer; D.H. Montgomery, Halifax, N.S.; Sir Arthur Stonehouse, Alberta, and Rev. J.V. Mills, Toronto. Various common problems of school administration officials were discussed by the group during their meeting at Fredericton and the gathering adopted a resolution urging the inauguration of a sex education program in Canadian Schools.
JV Waddell was still president of the PAPSB at time of this convention in Fredericton.
J.V. (Jim) Waddell served as the President of the PAPSB (Provincial Association of Protestant School Boards) for the years 1947, 1948 and 1949. With his amusing story-telling and repartee, his seemingly dry speeches would have kept audiences amused.
In 1947 the PAPSB was made up of school boards from all of Quebec outside the cities of Montreal, Quebec City and Sherbrooke. Its purpose was to “further in every way possible the interest of education in our rural Protestant schools.” In JV Waddell’s address as President in 1949, he expressed the purpose thusly:
“Originally this organization was formed to fight for the rights of the rural boards which did not have a chance to swim in the gravy that appeared to be poured on the sumptuous repasts enjoyed by the city boards.”
But, more could be achieved through united effort and his presidency saw membership in the association increase to include all the Montreal boards and the Sherbrooke board among others.
By 1965, the Provincial Association of Protestant School Boards was known as the Quebec Association of Protestant School Boards.
In the three year period that JV Waddell served as President of the association, themes recurred such as: the shortage of qualified teachers, poor pay and conditions for teachers, especially in rural areas and the need for isolated schools to unite into Central School Boards in order to make better use of scarce resources.
This speech JV Waddell, given as incoming President, explains in detail the raison d’etre of the organization, its founding, past accomplishments and lists a number of areas of potential involvement in the future.
CSTA convention: Delegates from all Provinces except NB and PEI attended and reported on educational progress in their province. A resolution passed encouraging the exchange of School Trustee magazines between Provincial Associations. JV Waddell was appointed as one of the five Vice-Presidents of the CSTA.
CEA convention: This organization, without interfering with the Provincial educational bodies of administration, is giving a lead to and encouraging progress in every aspect of educational welfare for the benefit of pupils, teachers and administrators in Canada. Mimeographed pamphlets from the Information Bureau are available at the cost of fifty cents per class room.
JV Waddell expresses the Association of Protestant School Board’s awareness of and concern for the various factors contributing to the shortage of qualified teachers, one of the most significant being a low salary scale in Quebec. Other factors he addresses are: lack of professional contact and isolation in rural districts, insufficient prestige attached to the profession and inadequate teachers’ residences in rural areas.
With Mr. Oxley, Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers (PAPT); Mr. McLeish , Quebec Federation of Home and School; and JV Waddell, PAPSB discussing their common ground in regard to educational progress, Central School Boards and improvements in Teachers’ working conditions.
To see the entire booklet for the PAPSB convention in 1948 click here.
In a short statement, JV Waddell lists the Association’s goals for the coming year: introduce a constitution, increase publicity, make useful information available to all members, consider appointing representatives of the Central School Boards to PAPSB executive and strive to have all provincial school boards, large and small, as members.
Delegates, attending from all Provinces except NB and PEI, presented reports on the educational progress made in his Province during the year. The delegates revised the constitution and formulated a programme for the coming year.
The chief purpose of the CSTA is to provide a meeting place for delegates from various Provinces for the exchange of experiences and ideas. Uniformity throughout the Provinces is neither sought nor attainable but there is no question that each profits from the experience of the other.
This convention elected JV Waddell as Vice-President of the CSTA.
Specifically reporting on the CEA, JV Waddell says “The Association is a coordinating agency on educational research in Canada. It co-operates with other bodies in studies of nation-wide application. It undertakes research in school health, practical education, teacher supply and training and specific projects for Government Departments and local school boards.”
Studies of interest include, Absenteeism in Schools, Caretaker facilities, and a report of the critical problem of teacher shortage in Canada. JV at this time was a Director of the CEA.
JV Waddell reports back on progress towards the previous year’s objectives. In the interest of bettering educational facilities in Quebec common ground can be found with the teacher’s organization and the Quebec Federation of Home and School. By sending delegates to the CSTA convention these representatives find allies in working towards equality of educational opportunity throughout Canada.
Current membership of the Provincial Association of Protestant School Boards includes: 8 out of 9 Central School Boards, 75% of High School Boards, all the Montreal boards and the Sherbrooke Board.
JV Waddell comments on “compulsory retarding of progress” by legislation which re-imposed fees on primary education.
He was honoured to have served for three terms and represented the PAPSB at CSTA conventions.
JV Waddell, Past President of the PAPSB, enumerates the advantages of membership in the CSTA and gives examples of suggestions which came out of attending meetings in 1947, 1948 and 1949.
JV Waddell summarizes the reports of the attending Provincial Associations across Canada, from BC to Quebec and NS the sole eastern province. As CSTA President, he expressed his regrets at being unable to complete his two year term. Dr. Hardy of Toronto replaced him. He hoped a new delegate would be sent to the next convention in Regina.
JV Waddell summarized the two conventions in Victoria he attended with financial assistance in the amount of $323.00 from the Provincial Association.
Reports of his representation will be revealed in the CSTA annual report as well as in the BC Trustees annual report. Copies of progress reports from the Provincial Associations, also to be published in the CSTA annual report, are in the hands of the PAPSB editor and might be worth including in their magazine.
The CEA quarterly in December will publish copies of addresses made of the 3-day convention.
JV Waddell took part, with Mr. Almond, chairman of the Hudson School Board and President of the PAPSB, Dr. C.N. Crutchfield, and Dr. E.C. Powell, President of the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, in a discussion of the benefits of larger school units versus the traditional “little red one-room school house”.
In 1950, Bell Telephone, JV Waddell’s employer, no longer agreed to give Jim time off to attend the functions which his school board/trustee work required. He was forced to give it up while at the highest point of service in the CSTA.
Honorary Past President
W. Jones Honorary President Dr.
M.R. Stalker President J.V.
Waddell Vice-President Mr.
L.B. Sterling Secretary-Treasurer A.
Whitehead Athletics: Mr. J.E. Conners, Consolidation: Mr. Orin Simons, Legislative: Dr. C.L. Brown, |
Education: Mr. D.R. Cooper, Health:
L. Phelps, Teacher’s Salaries: Dr. R.H. Stevenson, Transportation: Mr.
Ben W. Draper, High Schools: Dr. C.
Harris, Intermediate Schools: Mr.
Thomas V. Burns, Elementary Schools: Mr.
L.E. Findlay, |
Honorary President Dr. W.P. Percival President J.V. Waddell Past President Dr. M. R. Stalker 1st Vice-President Mr. A.R. Almond, B.A. 2nd Vice-President Mr. B.W. Draper Secretary-Treasurer A. Whitehead, Athletics Mr. J.E. Conners, Youth & Welfare Dr. C.N. Crutchfield |
Consolidation Mr. Orin Simons, M.B.E. Legislative Mr. H.B. Lee Education Mr. R. Flood, Health Dr. F.L. Phelps Teachers’ Salaries Dr. R. H. Stevenson Transportation Lt-Col. E.S. McMannis High Schools Dr. C.S. Harris |
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