† Killed ℗ Prisoner of War x Croix de Guerre ® Returned to Bank’s Service |
w Wounded * Bar to Military Cross ‡ Mentioned in Despatches ∞ United States Forces |
Abbott, A.J. Acheson, A.J. Ackman, E.M. Adams, G. Adams, G.S. Adamson, Lieut. M.L. † Agur, P.B. Aikman, R.E. w Aitken, 2nd Lieut. A.J.C. w Aldrich, A.C.W. Alford, T.P. Aljoe, D.W.∞ Allan, A.E. Allan, M.C., M.M., Lieut. R.J. † w Allan, N.B. Allan, T.W. Allen, I.B. |
Allison, W.R. Alliston, T.J. Almon, Lieut. E.B. Anderson, G.M.G. ℗ w Andrews, J.B. † Andrew, W.E. Annandale, A.L. Appleton, Capt. A.W. Armstrong, Lieut. O.E. Arnaud, J. de B. Arnold, 2nd Lieut. F.J. Arnot, Lieut. W. M. Arundell, W.R.H. Ashcroft, Lieut. L.E. † Asker, 2nd Lieut. A.H. † w Atkinson, D.O. Awty, M.M. |
Babin, H.P. Back, A. Bagnall, Capt. W. Bailes, Lieut. W.G.R. w Bailey, R.L. Bailey, D.B. † Baird, 2nd Lieut. A.B. ℗ Baker, O. Baldwin, P.T. Ballance, L.E. Bamber, 2nd Lieut. G.H. Bancroft, M.T. Banfield, Lieut. W.B. Banning, J.H. ® Barber, C.F. Barker, Lieut. D.J. † Barker, 2nd Lieut. G.H. w Barkham, S.V. Baril, Lieut. J.A. Barlow, J.U. w Barnes, Lieut. R.H. Barnett, F. Barnum, Lieut. J.B.M. Barrett, 2nd Lieut. C.R. † Barrie, M.C., D.C.M., Capt. T.B. † * Barry, J. Basham, C.F.T. Bate, Lieut. N.H. † Baum, W.J. Baxter, W.J. Baxter, R.T. Beadle, H.G. Beardsworth, R.J. † Beer, C.A. Beer, L.L. w Beeston, G.N. Bell, A.C. Bell, J. ® Bell, R.L. Bennett, M.C. Lieut. R.O. Benson, Lieut. A.I.H. Benson, U.W.K. Benson, 2nd Lieut. W.R.G. † Bentley, A. Beveridge, Lieut. J.F. Beveridge, L.C.T. Beyer, E.T. Bibbs, Lieut. O.G. Biddulph, H.W. Binet, Lieut. C.E. Birchard, P.V. Bishop, A.H. Bishop, F.C. Black, G.V. Blackaby, G.R.S. w Blackmore, Lieut. A.C. Blair, G.W. Blanchet, Lieut. A.M. |
Bleau, A.D. Bleau, A.E. Blyde, Lieut. L.J.N. Boa, W.A. Bode, H.F.M.E. Body, H. † w Beohm, Capt. W.R. w Boldrick, C.C. Bolger, A.E. ® Bond, F.H.B. † Bone, F. † Booth, H.S. Borland, A. McC. Boucher, H.P. Boughey, Lieut. A.E.F. † w Bourque, A.J. Bowie, Lieut. G.G. Bowie, 2nd Lieut. R.A. † Bowles, R.F. ℗ Bowman, 2nd Lieut. J.D. Boyd, L.L. ∞ Bradley, D. w Bradshaw-Smith, B. w Brand, W. Brander, Lieut. L.S. w Bray, Capt. H.A.A. Brett, Flight Officer A.G.H. Bridle, A.E. Bridge, Lieut. J.B. Briggs, T.W. Brimacombe, Lieut. V.C. Britten, J.F. Brock, D.E. † Brookes, J.H. Brooks, H. Broomfield, J.H. Brough, W.S.C. ® Brown, G.E.G.G. Brown, Lieut. E.C. † Brown, E.M. ® Benson, D.F. Briar, G.V. Brown, M.M., G.B. † Brown, N.T. Brown, Lieut. R.H. w Bruce, 2nd Lieut. C.K. w Bryan, G. † Buchanan, H.D. Buchanan, J.J. † Bullick, R. w Burman, J. Burnett, Lieut. G.F. Burnyeat, J.D. Burton, J.D. Bush, F.J.C. Bush, O.H. Butler, Lieut. W.C |
Caillard, H.J.E. w Caldwell, K. Callahan, W.C. Calvin, Sub-Lieut. H.A. Cameron, J.A. Cameron, S. Campbell, Flgt-Lieut A.B.D. † ℗ Campbell, A.S. Campbell, C.H.A. ® Campbell, D.A. w Campbell, F. Carling, M.C., Lieut. W.H. w Carmichael, C.G. Carmichael, M.C., Capt. D.M. Carmichael, M.C., Lieut. G. Carpenter, F.H.G. † Carpenter, F.H.G. Carrier, Lieut. M.A. Carroll, Lieut. H.Y. † Carruthers, W.K. † Carter, Lieut. F.B. ® w Carter, Lieut. R.S. † Cary, 2nd Lieut. A.E.F. Casement, C.W. Cave-Brown-Cave, C.C. Chaese, F.S. † Chappelow, E.P. w Charlton, Lieut. H.O. Chowne, H.R.A. Christie, Lieut. T.D.M. ww Clark, Lieut. R.A. ∞ Clay, H.B. Clayton, A.G. † Cleave, Lieut. J.C.T. w Clements, M.V. Clements, Capt. R.N. w |
Clery, 2nd Lieut. J.C.L. † Clift, M.C., Capt. J. w Coburn, F.A. Cochrane, E.S. Cockburn, Lieut. F.J. Colchester, W.M. Collas, Lieut. H.L.J. Colley, G. Collins, F.G. Collis, D.P.F. Collison, L. ℗ w Colville, Capt. C.P. Connellan, G. Connelly, P.C. Cook, H. Cooke, D.A. Cooper, A.A. Cooper, T.C. Corkum, W.H. Cornthwaite, R. Corpe, E.H. Cosgriff, M.D. ∞ Cote, Lieut. J.R. Cottier, T.E. Cottrell, L.W. Cottrell, Lieut. R. Cowan, J.P. Cowie, J.A. Cox, Jr., F.W. Craig, Lieut. T.H. † Crane, 2nd Lieut. G.P. Creighton, Capt. W.R. w Crichton, D.J. McC. MacK. ℗ w Crickmore, Lieut. E.B. ℗ Crombie, 2nd Lieut. W.S. Crowe, Flight Sub-Lt. W.O. w ® |
Dagger, F.G. Dalgleish, H.C. Dall, A. Daniel, R.H.H. † Dansereau, Capt. H. w Darley, R.A.B. Davenport, V. ® Davidson, C.S. Davidson, W.J. † Davison, G.S. Davison, H.G. Davison, R.S.V. Dawe, 2nd Lieut. G.H. Dawson, J.C. Day, C.F. Delay, 2nd Lieut. A.R. † De Manbey, A.R. Dempster, 2nd Lieut. E.N. Denison, Sub-Lieut. G.C. Denovan, Lieut. J.G. Denton, I.H. Depencier, Lieut. N.G. |
Deveber, Lieut. L.S. Devenny, F.A.H. De Wolfe, T.A.S. Diamon, W.S. Dimock, Lieut. J.E. Dinnen, J.C. Dix, F.W.W. Dobbie, J.S. † Dobbie, Capt. W.H. Dolan, A.L. Donoahue, T.C. Douglas, W.H.T. w Doull, A.K. Dowker, G.L. Downing, P.G. Downing, W.A.L. † Drake, H.A. † Drysdale, G.O. w Duder, F.E. Duke, H.H. Dunfee, E.J. |
Earle, Lieut. G.L. w Easton, Capt. G.G. w Eddy, A.W. Edgell, R.H. Edmond, J.E. Eldridge, R.G. Eliot, Lieut. L.H. † |
Ellwood, M.C., Lieut. W.J.H. w Emmett, Lieut. A.A. w Empringham, W.R. ® Erb, H.R. Evans, Lieut. G.R. Everett, H. |
Fabian, Lieut. E.F. w Farrell, B. Farrow, G.M. Fawkes, G.H. Fellowes, Capt. G.A. Ferrie, Lieut. G.C. ww Field, A.F. ℗ w Field, G.H.W. Fisher, J.W. Fitzgerald, G.L. Flemington, C.B. Flesher, F.P.G. Fletcher, Lieut. C.H.F. w Fletcher, H.L. Fletcher, R.A. Flett, A.P. Flood, J.A. w Forbes, Lieut. J. w |
Forbes, M.M., Lieut. N. Forbes, P.H. Ford, F.J. Ford, N.L. Forrest, D.E. Forsythe, M.C., Lieut. A.T. w Fortye, Capt. W.T. Foster, Capt. G.S. Fowke, R.D. w Frary, R.S. ® Fraser, Lieut. A.B. † Fraser, D.T. Fraser, F.J. ℗ Fraser, J.O. Freeman, D.R.K. Frost, T.A. Fry, J.W. ® |
Galwey-Foley, 2nd Lieut. P.N.B. Gardiner, A.E. Gardiner, C.H. Gardiner, R.L. Gardner, G.S. ww Gault, D.J. Geary, G.G. w Genet, M.C., Lieut. J.E. w George, H.B. Gibaut, Lieut. A.P. † Gibbons, H.A. w Gibson, C. Gibsone, L.F. Gilbert, T.D. Gilllingham, L.E. Gingras, J. Glassey, S.D. w Gleave, J.H.N. † Glenn, A.C. Godard, A.E.G. † Godfrey, Capt. O.P. Goldby, Lieut. H.L. Good, J. Goodchild, A.G. |
Goode, G.B. Goodman, F.L. Gordon, J.F. † Gordon, J.P. w Gorham, Lieut. H.K. Gorman, C.F.O. † Gosling, O.P. Graff, Jr., C. ® Graisley, W.M. Granger, G.G. Grant, B. Grant, Lieut. D.M. Grant, J.M. Gray, Lieut. A. † Gray, W. Greame, H.C. Grenon, J.E. Griffin, G.J. Griffiths, A. w Grinter, Sub-Lieut. W.E. Grove, M.C., Lieut. A.D. w Grundy, 2nd Lieut. R.M. Gunn, J. |
Habgood, J.M.G. ℗ Hague, J.A. ® Haight, A.M. Haines, E.H. † Hall, A.T. Hall, C.E.R. † Hall, Capt. E.V. w Hall, M.C., Major H.F. ‡ Hall, Lieut. R.W. Hallsmith, Lieut. E.M. † ww Hamel, A.J. ® Hamer, D.L. Hamilton, 2nd Lieut. A.P. w Hamilton, Capt. C.M.V. Hamly, Lieut. C.T. w Hammond, Lieut. F.D.M. Hanchard, H.F. Hanks, Major E.H. Hanley, J. Hanlon, S. Hards, B. † Harley, Lieut. E.B. Harper, Capt. A.D. w Harper, Capt. J.A. † Harris, Capt. C.L. † w Harris, S. † Harston, 2nd Lieut. W.H. † Hart, B.N. Hart, K.C. † Harvey, Capt. C.E. Harvey, Lieut. J.B.B. ℗ Harwood, J.E. Haskell, A.J.L. ® Hatton, E.R.A. Hawitt, L.F. Haworth, L.H. Hay, C.B. Haylock, W.H. Hazell, Lieut. S.G. Healy, W.J. Healy, J.J. Heeney, B.A. Hegan, L.A. Helbert, Lieut. L.A.C. Henderson, Lieut. E.A. w Henderson, R.C. |
Heneker, Lieut. H.T. ‡ w Henshaw, G. Herriot, W.A. Hervey, D.S.C., Flight comdr. G.E. Heward, W.F. Hewton, J.A. Hick, J.L. Hick, W.W. ® Hicks, L.A. Hicks, G.E. Hillary, F.W. Hinchliffe, J.E. ® r Hoag, Lieut. E.S. w Hoag, W.R. w Hocking, J.H. Hodgson, G.M. † Hodgson, J.L. Hoecker, R.M. ® Hogg, Lieut. J.C. w Hogg, S.N. Holcombe, C.H. Holden, E.E. ® Holland, J.G. Holloway, R.M. Hollyer, E.L. Hood, E.J. w Hooper, D.B. w Hooper, Lieut. F.W. w Hopkins, W.R. Hubbs, Lieut. W.S. Hudson, H. ® Hudson, H.L. w Huestis, E.R.T. Hughes, H.W. Hughes, P. Hull, A.H. Humphrey, 2nd Lieut. J.A. Humphreys, 2nd Lieut. D. d’H. ww Humphries, S.W. Hunt, Lieut. J.L. Hunton, L.E. Hurst, F.W. Hurst, S.W. Husbands, W.E. Hutchinson, J.D.H. Huxter, 2nd Lieut. R.W |
Imrie, W.J. † Ingalls, C.L. ∞ Ingersoll, 2nd Lieut. J.H. † Inglis, Lieut. R.Y. Ingraham, Lieut. R.E. w |
Ingraham, 2nd Lieut. R.E. Innous, 2nd Lieut. L.F. Irving, Lieut. G.W. Irwin, L.J.O. w Irwin, P.A.S. |
Jackson, G.R. Jackson, G.W. Jacques, E.J. Jakeman, H. Jamer, R. James, Lieut. J.L. James, Flight Sub-Lieut. R.A. Jameson, P.G. Jephson, A.M. Johnson, D.I. Johnson, E.E. † Johnston, C.N. ∞ Johnston, F.C. ® |
Johnston, N.J. † Jones, Lieut. A. de L. Jones, B.G. w Jones, D. † Jones, D.E. Jones, F.T. Jones, G.W. Jones, G.W. Jones, H.E. Jones, 2nd Lieut. H.T. Jones, T.A. † Jones, W.I.R. |
Kayss, M.M., J.H.B. Kearney, A.G. Keates, A.A. † Keegan, P.W.W. Keen, C. Keep, R.J. Kelsey, Capt. C.E. ww Kemp, C. Kempf, Lieut. J.P. ‡ Kennedy, G.F. † Kent, W.C. † Keown, T.H. Kerin, Capt. C.S. www Kerr, A.H. Kerr, C.D. Kerry, Lieut. A.A. ww |
Kincaid, Act.-Capt. J.B. † King, Capt. E.G. King, E.J.S. w King, R.H. King, W. ∞ King, Lieut. W.M. Kinnie, C.R. Kippen, Lieut. E.D.B. ℗ w Kirby, F.W. Kirkpatrick, H.W. Kirwood, Lieut. W.G. w Kittson, Lieut. N.E. Knight, Sub-Lieut. A.R. † Knight, M.C., Lieut. S.F. Knox-Leet, Major E.H |
Laberee, Lieut. C.G. ww Lacey, C.S. ∞ Lacoste, A.L. w Ladd, R.E.A. Laird, Lieut. J.H. † Lake, R.W. ® Lake, W.B. Lanahan, J.A.A. Lane, Lieut. E.S.H. † Lane, H. Langley, Capt. H.J. Latter, Lieut. C.W. ℗ w Laurie, Major D.A. w Lavelle, E.B. Laverty, M.P. w Law, Lieut. W.V. Lawrason, E.E. Lawrie, H.A. Lee, Lieut. A. Lee, F.S. w Lefroy, C.B.H. Leigh-Spencer, R.C.L. Leishman, 2nd Lieut. E.D. Leitch, 2nd Lieut. A.H.P. † Leitch, J. |
Lemarchand, C.H. Lemesurier, Lieut. S.A. Lewis, Lieut. C.F. w Lewton-Brain, Lieut. J.A. † Lillico, I.T. Lilly, R.R.W. w Linley, F.K. w Lishman, E.N.G. Lithgow, A.F.R. Little, A. ® w Little, Lieut. A.W. w Littler, H.V. Livingstone, R.J. Lloyd, 2nd Lieut. J.E. ® ww Lloyd, P.F. Lock, 2nd Lieut. V. Loggie, J.H. Long, Lieut. W.M. Longhurst, R.H. † Louson, W.G. Love, G.H. Lowe, R. † Luckett, T.M. Ludgate, L.P. Lynch, J.D. |
Macdonald, A.M. † w Macdonald, C.A. Macdonald, D.F. Macdonald, Lieut. G.F. † Macdonald, J.F. w Macdonald, J.W. Macdonald, W.R. Macdonnell, Lieut. E.G.R. Macdonnell, S.J. † w Macdougall, Capt. D.H. Macgillivray, J.R. † w Macgregor, 2nd Lieut. D.H. † Machaffie, Leiut. J. Macintosh, B.L. Mackay, H. Mackay, L.F.X.J. Mackie, A.W. Mackie, J.G. Mackie, Lieut. W.L. Mackinnon, J.M. Maclean, V.M. † Macleod, G.T. Macmillan, Lieut. J. Macneill, R.D. Macpherson, A.R. ® Macpherson, D.F. Macpherson, Major J.A.C. Maddison, G.F. Magee, G.W. Malkinson, 2nd Lieut. C.E. Mallett, J.A. Maloney, Lieut. J.F. † Mangin, J.C. ∞ Mannell, G.E. w Mansfield, D.H. Mara, F.H. ∞ Marchand, J.R.A.E. March-Phillips, Lieut. S.L. † Marentette, E.W. Marr, Lieut. A.J. w Marshall, H.G. Martin, T.J. Martin, W.J.J. † Mason, Lieut. A.J. Mason, R.G. Massey, W.G. Matheson, Lieut. R.D. ® Matthew, Lieut. R.T. † Matthewson, G.A. Mayberry, W.A.R. ® Maynard, Capt. J.W. ww Mayson, Sub-Lieut. R. Meadus, R.H. Medland, C.R. Meikle, P.A. |
Melanson, E.J. Meredith, M.B. Meredith, Lieut. T.R. Merrix, C.E. † Messias, B.L. Mews, H.G.R. Meyrick, G.J. † Middleton, E.E. Miller, L.D. † Miller, T.G. Mills, J.G. Mills, S.V. Milne, J. ® Mingeaud, L.P. Mitchell, C.V.A. Mitchell, M.M., D.G. † Mitchell, G.A. † Molson, Lieut. W.H. Monaghan, Lieut. H.B. Money, W.T. Monsarrat, Lieut. H.R. w Monteith, H.M. Moon, Lieut. C.O. Moore, W.K. Morris, F.W. Morrison, H.M. Morrison, 2nd Lieut. J.G.S. w Morson, C.R. Moses, C.F. Mowat, M.M., P.K. Moy, S.A. Muir, Flight Lieut. R.C. w Murdoch, Lieut. R.L. w Murray, I.H. † Musgrave, J. McCabe, 2nd Lieut. H.P. McCabe, P.J. McCann, H.D. † McClellan, J.J.G. ® McCollom, Sub-Lieut. F.A. McCool, M.B. † ww McCosh, Lieut. D.D. ® w McCuaig, C.P. McCuaig, J.G.H. ® McDowell, R.C. McGoun, M.C., Capt. D.M. w McGovern, T.F. w McLean, A.A.M. † McLean, Lieut. M.A. w McMahon, J.W. McManus, F.R.W. McNames, E.S. McPhail, N.H. w McTear, F.W. |
Narborough, 2nd Lieut. P.A. Nash, Lieut. C.E. ® Nash, Lieut. F.M. ℗ w Netten, A.E. Newlands, Lieut. G.F. w Newman, Capt. C.F. |
Newman, Lieut. M.F. w Newton, 2nd Lieut. D.S.C. Nixon, H.A. Noble, A.W. Noonan, Lieut. F.J. Norsworthy, D.S.O., M.C., Major S.C. ww |
O’Connor, T.F. ∞ Olding, A. ℗ |
Oram, L.W. Ottmann, J.H. |
Pain, F.A. Palin, Lieut. C.S. Palmer, Lieut. W.A. † Palmer, W.W. † Pamely, F. † Parke, E.F. † Parnell, R. † w Parnell, S.C. Parsons, Capt. D.A. w Paterson, D.S.O., Major A.T. w ‡ Patterson, V. Payne, H.C. Peace, A.M. Peachey, J.F. w Pearce, Sub-Lieut. V.G. Pearce, G.L. Pearse, Lieut. L.G. Penno, Lieut. L.L. Perkin, F.R. w Perks, Lieut. A.J. Perry, S.C. ∞ Peters, A.R. w Peters, E.F. |
Peters, R. Petrie, Lieut. H.L. Phillips, S.T. w Phillips, W.H. Picard, C.J.O. Picking, Lieut. F.J. Pilkey, Lieut. E.M. w Pipon, Sub-Lieut. E.P. Pitcairn, Lieut. D.N. w Planche, C.C. ® Plummer, J.R. Plummer, T.B. Powel, R.H. Powell, R.G. Potier, P.A. Pratt, G.H. w Price, 2nd Lieut. J.T. † Proctor, G.P. Prosser, F. Provost, Lieut. J.H.A. Pudney, J.R. Pye, A.R. |
Raby, 2nd Lieut. W.J.F. Radcliffe, Lieut. C.A. ww Rae, J. Rafferty, Lieut.J.P. Raikes, Lieut. W.H. Ramsay, Lieut. L.C. † Ramsay, W.H. w Rankine, B.G. Ransom, P.J.F. Ratchford, Lieut. C.J.F. ® w Ratcliffe, M.M., N.T. Reid, D.J. w Reid, R.P. Reid, W.A. Remnant, R.F.C. Reynolds, Lieut. H.J.S. ww Rhodes, A.C. Richards, Sub-Lieut. R.N. Rickards, 2nd Lieut. E.S. Riggs, J.E. Risteen, F.B. Ritcey, E.H. Roach, L.P. Roberts, T.H. Robertson, A.G. w Robertson, A.R. Robertson, Capt. I.G. |
Robertson, R.C. Robinson, H.A. Robinson, H.W. w Robinson, W.M. w Robson, Major W.M. Rodger, J.O. Rogers, E.E. Rogers E.G.R. Root, Lieut. N. Ross, Lieut. G.K. † Ross, G.M. Ross, 2nd Lieut. J.C. w Ross, R.J. Ross, 2nd Lieut. W.E.T. Rothwell, H.J.A. Round, A.J.M. Rouquette, Lieut. J.H. † Rouse, H.H. ® Routier, Lieut. C.H. w Routledge, Lieut. A. ‡ † Roy, Lieut. R. w Roystan, Lieut. N.C. Ruddock, E.B. w Rush, Lieut. C.T.O. † Russell, E.W.H. Rutherford, D.B. w Rutherford, E.E. |
Saddington, C.W. Sampson, 2nd Lieut. W.F. Sargeant, C.H. Savard, C.E.A. Savard, Lieut. J.S.E. Sawers, M.C., Capt. F.G. w Schiedel, E.J. Scobie, 2nd Lieut. W.D.S.M. Scott, M.C., Lieut. J. w Scott, J.J. † Scullard, Lieut. F. Sedgwick, Capt. F.B. † Sellery, A.R. Sewell, Lieut. H.A. Sewell, 2nd Lieut. L.F. Sewell, Lieut. R.L. w Shannon, J.J. Shaw, Lieut. A.F. Shaw, N.T. Sheffield, Lieut. G. † Shepherd, L. Sheppard, E.J. Shildrick, D.H.I. Shupe, H.B. † Silver, 2nd Lieut. E. † Simpkins, J.B. Sinclair, H.F.G. † Sinclair, W.J. † Skinner, 2nd Lieut. J. Skinner, Lieut. J. Sladen, Lieut. J.D. ® w Smidt, N.B. ∞ Smith, Lieut. A.H.C. Smith, A.R. Smith, Lieut. D.R. Smith, E.S.H. ‡ † Smith, G.S. Smith, G.W. Smith, G.W. Smith, H.E. Smith, H.L. Smith, Lieut. H.M.G. w |
Smith, 2nd Lieut. L.H. † w Smith, Lieut. R.S. Smith, Lieut. W.S. Smythe, M.C., Lieut. E.B. Smythe, Lieut. H.C. Snell, C.A. ∞ Soden, L.E. Sootheran, Lieut. H.C. Spence, W.J. Spillan, Lieut. H.C.R. ww Spong, H. Spooner, L.G. Spraggon, 2nd Lieut. B.P. Startin, G. Steel, 2nd Lieut. S.G.H. w Steele, Lieut. D.W.S. † Stephens, G.C. Stephens, 2nd Lieut. G.D. † Stevens, C.N. Stevenson, C.C. w Steward, G. Stewart, D.K. MacI. Stewart, P.D. † www Stewart, Sub-Lieut. R.S. w Stewart, W. Stilwell, B.E. w Stirling, J.B. w Stranger, Lieut. F.H. Struthers, R.D. Stuart-Smith, Flight Lieut. P.J. † Sturley, J.E. Sullivan, Lieut. D.J. w Sullivan, W.C. † Sunderland, Lieut. B.D.P. w Sutcliffe, A.L. ® Sutherland, W.R. Sutton, 2nd Lieut. R.E. Swager, W.E. ∞ Syme, A.A. Symmons, 2nd Lieut. W.W. Syrett, B. ℗ w |
Taylor, A.I.M. Taylor, A.W.S. Taylor, D. ® ww Taylor, G.E. ® Taylor, G.G.R. † Taylor, 2nd Lieut. J. Taylor, H.P. Taylor, L.W. ® w Taylor, W.E. ® Tebbs, B.C. Tees, S.M. † Thomspon, Lieut. C.A. † w Thompson, T.W.H. Thomson, A.R. w Thomson, H.S. Thomson, J.B. |
Tigar, G.J.C. Tilly, Lieut. T.G. www Tocque, H.J. Tod, Lieut. W.D. w Tolmie, R.S. Toms, A.G. St J. † Townsend, Capt, L.W. w Trahan, E.L. Travers, Lieut. H.E.K. † Tremain, G.C. Trevillon, E.C. Trow, A.S. † Trusdale, W.G. Tucker, Lieut. E.R.H. Tullo, R.A.L. Turner, Capt. M.W. |
Underwood, F.N. |
Urch, C.O. |
Van Buskirk, W.F.W. Vandry, J.G. Verge, F.W. Verner, C.N. |
Vessey, Capt. E.J. † Vibert, 2nd Lieut. W.C. w Villecourt, E. Von Berg, Lieut. L.C. |
Wadsworth, Lieut. D.A.R. † Walker, A. † Walker, E.A. Walker, H.K. † Walker, J.T. w Walker, W.H. † Wallace, Lieut. C.H. Wallace, G.C. Wallace, Lieut. J.R. Walsh, M.I. Ward, A.W.R. Ward, 2nd Lieut. F.V. Ward, J.M. Waring, C.E. † Warlters, R.O.H.P. Warren, C.A. Warren, F.W. Watkins, H.J. Watson, Lieut. B.M. † w Watson, M.C., Lieut. R.S. w Watt, M.J. w Watt, M.C., Lieut. W.R. w Webb, C.R. Wenb, E.H. (sic) Webb, R.M. Webber, G. Sr. J. Webber, M.C., Lieut. R.S. w Webster, F.S. w Webster, H.F. Webster, J.A. Webster, O.T. Webster, Lieut. V.S. Wentzell, P.A. West, J.H. Wherry, R.L. † White, A.O. White, E.A. † |
Whiteside, Lieut. H.S. x Whitford, J.A.H. Whyte, R.O. Wilcox, Lieut. F.A.C. † Wilgress, Lieut. F.R. Wilkins, S. Williams, E.J. Williams, H.D. Williams, Lieut. W.I.K. w Williamson, A.S. Williamson, H.H. Wilson, D.D. † Wilson, J. Wilson, J.W. w Wilson, R.A. † Wilson, W.J.L. Wilson, Capt. W.W. † Wiltshire, H.J. Windsor, G.E. w Winn, Flight Sub-Lieut. J.H. † w Winslow, Lieut. H.P. ww Winter, M.M., M.G. w Winter, R.A. Wisdom, H.G.E. Wolferstan, Lieut. S. † Wood, 2nd Lieut. J.S. w Wood, R.W. w Woodrow, K.T. Woodward, G. w Woodward, M.M., T.P. † Wootten, Lieut. G.B. Worm, H.M. Wright, Lieut. F.B. Wright, H.D. Wright, R. McA. Wright, W. ® Wylie, Lieut. J.A. † |
Young, A.H. Young, H.A. |
Young, R.F. ® Young, S.A. |
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